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Фильм Снова одинок (2017)

Снова одинок

Оригинальное название: Newly Single
Жанр: драма, комедия
Год: 2017
Страна: США
Режиссер: Адам Кристиан Кларк
В ролях: Адам Кристиан Кларк, Дженнифер Ким, Молли К. Куинн, Анна Джэкоби-Херон, Реми Беннетт, Грег Гилрет, Рэйчел Дайан Уэйнер, Маргерит Моро, Alexandra Skye, Дженнифер Предигер
Премьера Мир: 27 ноября 2017
Длительность: 96 мин. / 01:36
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating5.3 rating 0
2020-03-08 08:51:15
Добавил: Only-HD Дата: 08 марта 2020, 08:51 Просмотры: 0 Комментариев: 0
American filmmaker Adam Christian Clark directs and stars in this jet-black comedy centered around the LA dating scene, as a self-obsessed filmmaker finds himself on the market once again. The film is a darkly funny and sometimes brutal affair. After ridiculing his girlfriend, director Astor Williams Stevenson finds himself single and trying to discover what exactly it is he wants. At the same time, he attempts to get a film off the ground and soon learns that his creative vision will not align with that of his crew. As Astor goes on a number of dates his abrasiveness and cynical attitude towards life seems to become ever more crystallized. The centerpiece of the film is a fearless performance from Clark as he embodies a man whose self-loathing is hidden by arrogance. Yet, for all his bluff and bluster Clark manages to add a sheen of vulnerability to make Astor a compelling and sympathetic character. While the film is reminiscent of great American cinema of the 1970's (with some ... Written by Laurence Boyce

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