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Фильм Ханна (2018)


Оригинальное название: Jana
Слоган: I never thought it would happen to me...until it did.
Жанр: триллер
Год: 2018
Страна: Доминикана
Режиссер: Federico Segarra
В ролях: Romeo Acosta, Alan Diaz, Maria Cuervo, Garibaldi Pezzotti, Arlym Constanzo, Karen Garcia, Melissa Pagan, Gabriel Cuervo, Jafreisi Adames, Carlos Canelo Jaquez
Премьера Мир: 1 марта 2018
Длительность: 90 мин. / 1:30
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating7.4 rating 0
2020-05-26 15:05:13
Добавил: Only-HD Дата: 26 мая 2020, 15:05 Просмотры: 1 Комментариев: 0
A true story of a young girl who got lost looking for her purpose in life for which it was designed by taking the wrong path, abandoned her family at her early age, ended up involved in a extreme religious sect, and managed to escape risking her life and her family. But not too late she realizes the mistake she made and manages to escape from the clutches of the sect led by a wicked and ambitious young alienated, his goal is to idolize and realize all their evil desires. Who hinder their wishes, eliminates forever. Jana could find her life purpose for which she was designed before the foundation of the world? This film produced in the Dominican Republic based on a true story of a satanic sect back in the 80's, this movie has the fundamental objective to shows the youth to be alert of the false doctrines, and present the word of God and the Christian values.

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