Головна / Боевик / Rocket Hunter

Фільм Rocket Hunter (2020)

Rocket Hunter

Жанр: боевик, военный
Рік: 2020
Країна: США
Режисер: Кристофер Форбс
У ролях: Sophie Adams, Jezibell Anat, Ronald Blanton, Wayne Blanton, Kayla Coppa, Ryan Cruce, Келли Форбс, Charlie Gabel, Стефен Гиллиам, John H. Greene
Світова прем'єра: 3 февраля 2020
Тривалість: 86 мин. / 01:26
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating1.4 rating 0
2020-03-08 20:33:27
Додано: Only-HD Дата: 08 березня 2020, 20:33 Перегляди: 0 Коментарі: 0
In one of the most dangerous missions of the war, an American B-17 pilot volunteers to fly a surrendered Messerschmidt 109 on a daring flight through the heart of Germany to try to prevent the people of London from being terrorized by the V-2 rockets. "Rocket Hunter" tells the story of an amazing pilot and his bombardier brother from the time they are teenagers dreaming of taking to the skies to the dark days of January 1945. Written by Christopher Forbes

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